TENDER No.01/KSIE/ACC/2024-25


Offline tenders are invited by Kerala State Industrial Enterprises Limited, (KSIE) from eligible and qualified Firms/Agencies for Acceptance, Documentation and Handling Export Cargo at Trivandrum / Calicut Air Cargo Complexes managed by KSIE Limited

Sl. No. Brief description of Equipment Earnest Money (Rs.) Tender fee Including GST

Selection of Agency for Acceptance, Documentation and Handling Export Cargo

at Trivandrum and Calicut Air Cargo Complexes managed by KSIE Limited

Rs.50000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand only)

By Demand Draft favouring KSIE Limited

Rs.5000/-  Rupees Five Thousand only)

By Demand Draft favouring KSIE Limited

Type of Tender : Two Bid (Technical and Financial Bid)

Eligibility criteria : As per Tender document
Website from which tender can be downloaded. : http://www.ksie.net
Last Date of Submission : 20.01.2025 till 14:00 Hrs
Opening of Technical Bid : 21.01.2025 at 14.30 Hrs
addendum(s)/corrigendum(s) : Addendum/Corrigendum if any will be published in our website Four (4) days before the date of opening of tenders.
Opening of Financial bid : Will be informed to the qualified bidders on scrutiny of technical bids.

1. KSIE reserves the right to cancel the tender /postpone thedate of submission/opening of tender &to accept/reject any or all tenders without assigning any reasons thereof. KSIE’s assessment of suitability as per eligibility criteria shall be final and binding.


2. Bidders may note that they are liable to be disqualified at any time during tendering process in case any of the information furnished by them is not found to be true. EMD of such tenderer shall be forfeited. The decision of KSIE in this regard shall be final and binding.



